Let’s say it outright, these guys are insane. And not just because they decided to take a sailing boat to Greenland to scale impossible cliffs.

13442601_1583782945247367_2643471636370014133_oIn this five-part series, climbers Nico Favresse, Olivier Favresse, Seán Villanueva and Ben Ditto ship out for the summer with Captain Bob Shepton on his 33-foot sailboat in search of unclimbed big walls rising out of Greenland’s fjords. The nine first ascents made by the team, and the style in which they were made, garnered them a nomination for the 2011 Piolet d’Or. Video: Seán Villanueva.

As usual, all welcome to the MCK movie night! This time hosted by Blue Sky climbing wall.

Invite your friends with to the event on facebook.